Thursday, May 31, 2007

If you do not find this funny you might as well keel over and die

Not much to say about this...just watch will laugh

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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Forget's Scorpions im scared of now!

I was recently chatting with some friends and as per any normal conversation the usual topic came up...SCORPIONS...more specifically the legend that when surrounded by fire they will kill themselves with their some believe it's because of the heat others that it's all lie, and others will argue that it comes from a certain lack of family values brought about by the fact their father will often sting the mother to sedate her so she will put out...and you thought college frat guys were bad!

well whatever view you happen to have we decided to put an end to this debate and go to the greatest source of knowledge known to man...ME...k not me but my right hand man is the answer we got:


The belief that scorpions commit suicide by stinging themselves to death when surrounded by fire is of considerable antiquity and is often prevalent where these animals exist. It is nevertheless untrue since the venom has no effect on the scorpion itself, nor on any member of the same species (unless the venom is injected directly into the scorpion's nerve ganglion—quite an unlikely event outside of the laboratory). The misconception may derive from the fact that scorpions are poikilotherms (cold-blooded): when exposed to intense heat their metabolic processes malfunction. This causes the scorpion to spasm wildly and this spasming may appear as if the scorpion is stinging itself. It is also untrue that alcohol will cause scorpions to sting themselves to death."

So there you go, lesson learned...

I also read the bottom section on wikipedia which has now informed me that should Scorpions decide to launch a full scale attack on my home I'm completely screwed...

You may want to go through this list and either fix your house or jump out the window because the Scorpions are coming...

- Scorpions are difficult to control with pesticides alone. Therefore, the first control strategy is to modify the area surrounding a house.

- Remove all trash, logs, boards, stones, bricks and other objects from around the home.

- Keep grass closely mowed near the home. Prune bushes and overhanging tree branches away from the house. Tree branches can provide a path to the roof for scorpions.

- Store garbage containers in a frame that allows them to rest above ground level.
Never bring firewood inside the house unless it is placed directly on the fire.

- Install weather-stripping around loose fitting doors and windows.

- Plug weep holes in brick veneer homes with steel wool, pieces of nylon scouring pad or small squares of screen wire.

- Caulk around roof eaves, pipes and any other cracks into the home.
Keep window screens in good repair. Make sure they fit tightly in the window frame.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Water Buffalo + Lions + Crocodiles = BEST VIDEO EVER

This clip is a bit long but worth every second...and I'm pretty sure that the Lion has just been officially knocked off its thrown as king of the jungle...all hail the mighty Water Buffalo!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

There is no ANTidote for this....zing

I don't think I'd wish this fate on my worst enemies...except maybe the guy who runs the cafeteria STOP CHARGING ME 50P FOR CHEESE ON MY SANDWICH!!!

This also rules...espceially the fist through the water's pretty much the same as when I unleash my blazing fists of fury.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Chalk up a win for ;-)

WOW who would have thought that my little blog wielded so much political power...only 3 days after setting up "DOUCHE OF THE WEEK" and choosing Paul Wolfowitz as the first contender, he announces his resignation at the end of June...

Now I don't want to take all the credit, I'm sure the media may have played a small part and perhaps the fact he had been lying through his teeth the whole time…and pretty much every country besides the US (and by US I mean Mr. Bush and friends) wanted him out...but I remain confident that the straw that broke the camel's back was DOUCHE OF THE WEEK…

I will have to use this new found power responsibly… possible upcoming contenders: Master Card, Canada Student loans, my landlord, all night club bouncers, the guy who is responsible for EVERY train in England running late, whomever made skinny jeans cool again, Sylar (from heroes), Charles Logan, Phillip Bauer, and Emeril Lagasse (go BAM yourself)

Monday, May 14, 2007


alright so it's 2am on monday night...well i guess tuesday morning and for whatever reason i can't seem to what better way to put myself to sleep than write what im sure will put others to sleep...on that positive ENJOY!

Well first things first I hope everyone had a good mothers day...Mom I really hope you did, sorry I couldn't be there :( But I also thought I would give everyone a quick history on where Mother's day actually came from....told ya I'd put you to sleep....

well it turns out the fine people at Wikipedia have much better explanation than i could have ever dreamed of writing didn't think i would actually to try to write the history out did you?? I'm bored...but not that bored...anyways here's the link:


Alright, next on the agenda...LIME SCALE...I hate this stuff and you can't get away from it in are constantly having to scrub the sink, bathtub, tea kettle and generally anywhere that tap water goes...drives me mental and to make matters worse when you make ice cubes and put them in your drink you get little lime scale floaties...sick...I have taken to buying ice from the store...

NEXT...there is a store up the road that sells wine 3 bottles for the price of 2...that should put me well on my way towards Cirrhosis of the liver...

Next...after reading/watching the news for a number of years now I have come to the conclusion there are way to many douche bags out there running our planet...i have therefore decided to ad "Douche of the week" to my site...if you will please take a look to the right you shall see this weeks contender...and what a wanker he truely is...god help us all if this poor sap continues to run one of the most important financial institutions in the world...god bless democracy...well that or the ability for the richest nation to appoint who it likes as president of the world bank...i digress

anyways this is long...and let's face it...rather boring...but it has put me well on my way to sleep so here we go with scutter sleep time take two...good nite!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Robots have rights too!!!

This is awesome...


and this is even more awesome!

Click Here for more great videos and pictures!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Enough Millionaires and Million Dollar Cars to End World Hunger

Oh how I do enjoy my weekends in jolly London, I have yet to have a bad one...though losing my credit card and debit card this weekend for the second time didn't make this one as good as it could be...I'm an idiot...Anyways just had a pretty stellar weekend with Steve, Josh and his work buddies (Arthur you truly are one of the nuttiest Brits I've met yet)...

Friday we kicked things off with a little beer session and the greatest bagel ever in Bricklane...Paul Devro (Josh's homie is here from Van for awhile doing some DJ gigs around europe, one being Fabric in London this Friday...Stoked), Yoel our other Canadian buddy made a brief appearance...nothing major to report from Friday just some drinks and couple clubs then headed home...

Saturday we ended up at Clapham Common...Common = Park in the UK...drinking beers all day and kicking around a football (soccer ball) and josh represented Canada to fullest by kicking the ball at each other or at random unsuspecting people...good laugh...brought back memories of the pool in vegas haha...but yeah made our way to a little BBQ later that night with Josh’s work friends and ate some tasty steak and more beer and shots then hit up some cheezy bar...more booze, stupid dancing, and general mayhem occurred before I lost my debit card and made our way home...solid night...14 hours of straight drinking...

Sunday was a sickening day cause we headed into London to check out the kick off of the Gumball 3000...the cars and girls there were UNREAL...Enzos, Porsche GTs, Maseratis, Lambos, Bugatti, RR, Bentley's...the list goes on and on...even got to see Mr. Pimp My Ride himself: Xzibit and also saw Jay Kay from Jamariqui and Tim Westwood...all of Piccadilly was packed with a few thousand people watching the cars begin the race...the Enzo and Bugatti were so damn loud it was crazy...I got a few vids below and some pics to check out...sic sic sic...anyways we finished up the day discussing how we could come up with the 30,000 pound entry fee and a 100,000 pound car so we could do the race next far it's between dealing drugs, robbing a bank, gambling, or selling our kidneys...only time will tell!

And that sums it up, hope ya had a good weekend LATER!


Gumball 3000 Pictures