Monday, May 14, 2007


alright so it's 2am on monday night...well i guess tuesday morning and for whatever reason i can't seem to what better way to put myself to sleep than write what im sure will put others to sleep...on that positive ENJOY!

Well first things first I hope everyone had a good mothers day...Mom I really hope you did, sorry I couldn't be there :( But I also thought I would give everyone a quick history on where Mother's day actually came from....told ya I'd put you to sleep....

well it turns out the fine people at Wikipedia have much better explanation than i could have ever dreamed of writing didn't think i would actually to try to write the history out did you?? I'm bored...but not that bored...anyways here's the link:


Alright, next on the agenda...LIME SCALE...I hate this stuff and you can't get away from it in are constantly having to scrub the sink, bathtub, tea kettle and generally anywhere that tap water goes...drives me mental and to make matters worse when you make ice cubes and put them in your drink you get little lime scale floaties...sick...I have taken to buying ice from the store...

NEXT...there is a store up the road that sells wine 3 bottles for the price of 2...that should put me well on my way towards Cirrhosis of the liver...

Next...after reading/watching the news for a number of years now I have come to the conclusion there are way to many douche bags out there running our planet...i have therefore decided to ad "Douche of the week" to my site...if you will please take a look to the right you shall see this weeks contender...and what a wanker he truely is...god help us all if this poor sap continues to run one of the most important financial institutions in the world...god bless democracy...well that or the ability for the richest nation to appoint who it likes as president of the world bank...i digress

anyways this is long...and let's face it...rather boring...but it has put me well on my way to sleep so here we go with scutter sleep time take two...good nite!


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