Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Get Common's new cd and the Mute Math CD...DO IT NOW


First off you all need to get the new Common CD and Mute Math CD they are the "bolocks!"

Been awhile since I posted but im pretty sure it's for two reasons:
2 - FACEBOOK HAS TAKEN MY SOUL...as they say "a picture speaks a thousand words"

Anyways highlights from the past few weeks have been:

1 - Beach Vball tourney in Holland...Team Van Dutch rocked it

2 - Chris's wedding...Congrats buddy it was a fantastic wedding...I personally like the drunk part the best!

3 - Live Earth...the single best concert I've been to...amazing...and once again I really liked the booze part.

4 - Beach VBall tourney in Poole, England...managed to avoid the rain on Saturday and even got a good tan going...we didn't all that great but fun none the less...Sunday...don't really wanna talk about Sunday...

NOW - nothing major planned, just trying to avoid the flooding and "keep my head above water" so to speak...man my jokes suck...

Anyways this has been a boring post, but I've been lazy and should keep making posts so I have something to look back on cause god knows no one actually reads this thing...except or course for you, thank you so very much for persevering with me!

Upcoming - Portugal road trip with Mr Paul Mooney and then Mum and Rob come for a vist for 3 weeks, one of which will take place in France...so a couple trips to look forward to :)

Aight im done, have a great summer if that's what you can call it...WORST SUMMER FOR WEATHER IN HUMAN HISTORY!!!!!!!!!

