Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Welcome to the elite QC club Mr. David Marino Cleve Ruperto

As 2006’s senior member of the QC club, I would like to say Happy Birthday and welcome you, Mr. Ruperto to the club on behalf of all its members!

I think you will find this birthday to be a real turning point in your life. If you haven’t already had one, now is the time to have a quarter life crisis where you realize a good chunk of your life is over and you will be dead soon…reality sucks…you may decide to take up drinking more (though I have reviewed your file and I think you have done more than you share for a 25 year old) you may start to think about settling down and having kids (though once again I’ve reviewed your file and I’m quite certain you already are…dropping the “L” bomb was a good start (didn’t think I knew did ya) )…you may also start to think about a career change (or in your case finishing school and starting one)…you may even do something drastic, like someone I know, and fuck off to another country for no particular reason, and just to make the move smoother start seeing a girl who lives on the other side of the planet two weeks before you leave (Not that I know anyone who would do something dumb like that :| )…and finally and possibly most important you will likely realize that the way modern medicine is going we are going to live to 200 so it’s not really a big deal at all, at which point you will grab a bottle of Crystal or perhaps even Grey Goose and get fucked up like you never have before!

Hope ya have a good bday buddy,


Michael James Scutt aka EuroScutter


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