Thursday, November 16, 2006

Cafes, Van Gogh, Sex shows...Only in Amsterdam

Well folks I realize it has actually been quite a long time since I updated ye olde blog, but I finally have something note worthy to write about....

So last weekend me and my hobbit friend Steve (flatmate) and eternally cursed friend Mooney (old flatmate) decided on a weekend excursion to the wonder land that is Holland...Our destination of choice: Amsterdam...So right off the bat I gotta remind everyone to remove all liquids from your carry ons, good old Steve learned that the hard way as he sprinted to the Gate at the airport with about 3 seconds to spare, apparently the Scottish can run...Upon our landing we made our via train and foot to our hotel, the finest 1 star hotel in alllllllllll of Amsterdam called "The Old Nickol" in the heart of the red light district...good times were to come....our room feature all the amenities including 3 beds and a sink...okay so a few amenities may have been lacking, but we didn’t go to Amsterdam to sit in our rooms...or at least we thought...we spent the afternoon walking around the red light district and grabbing some lunch before we figured we should have well earned nap...4 hours of nap later it was time to shower up and head out for a night of drinking...

We started things off at a little cafe where a nice Reggae man gave us a funny tasting cigarette that made mine and Mooneys heads spin...we then made our way into the red light district to wander a bit and check things good friend Pat who I have mentioned on here numerous times put me in touch with a friend of his named Eva who ran a local pub/bar there, which was our destination of choice...after a few beers from our now good friend Eva we headed off to in search of fun with a list of places to hit up courtesy guessed it Eva, once again thank you...the next destination "the pink elephant" where we lined up with a bunch of Americans and some old people to watch a live show...turned out the show was naked people having relations...very entertaining, especially when Mooney thinks it's a good idea to use his camera with the flash on in a place like that...needless to say bouncers were NOT happy and took his camera for a little time out...After the show started to get repetitive and Mooney got his camera back we head out to a real bar...night starts to get a bit foggy here due to excess alcohol but long story short we lost Mooney, went a to a club felt like elves compared to the freakishly tall giant dutch people, then Mooney found us we had some more booze and cabbed it back to the hotel...

Next day got up bright and early at 1pm and headed out for some lunch/breakfast and in search of Mushrooms for Steve and I's lab rat, you know his name MOONEY...well we found him some mild ones in a local store and he chowed down...turns out mushies and Tapas don’t mix so well as Mooney had to take a break outside before he removed the contents of his stomach...we then headed to the sex museum...pretty cool but was once again too much for Mooney's stomach to handle...after that we hit up a cafe for a smoke and to watch the football the way weed, football, and techno music go really well together, I never would have guessed...we went back to the hotel to gear up for another night out....Sugar Factory was our club of choice, and lucky was Jazz night...but regardless we got pretty sauced and tried to hook Mooney up with a lady or two but unfortunately for the ladies Mooney had other plans...not hooking up with girls and going home with two hobbits instead (me and Steve)...regardless it was a good night out and I learned the reason the Dutch are so tall, apparently it’s cause they eat a lot of veggies...

Monday ended up consisting of us sleeping till noon, walking around the Dam for some food, then making our way to the Van Gogh museum...pretty cool if ur into art...not so much if you aren’t...then we checked out the Vonderful park (dutch joke...sorry) and made our way back to the hotel to collect our things, take a quick look around some sex shops, then jumped on a train to the airport and flew back home...

End of story, I hope you have enjoyed this segment of Mikes life in Europe...look forward to upcoming blogs about vball, more of Holland for work, Sheffield possibly, maybe even Scotland, and a very special visit from a very special girl named Perla...

Cheerio all,



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