ROC solid weekend....JIGGA WHAT???

K I don't even know where to begin with this post, I think I'm still bouncing from the Jay Z concert I was at last night, Jigga What? Jigga Who?...k that said I'll get going on the post...So weekend started off with a romantic dinner with my flatmates Mark and Paul at pizza express...then we headed back to the flat to play a little poker for a few hours with a few blokes...I was out second of course cause I have no patience for poker...then once Paul got knocked we headed to the bar to meet up with some south Americans he met a week ago...had some more drinks and ended up chilling at their place till about 430...all in all a pretty fun night, oh yeah turned out on of the girls we met up with is dating a guy on my vball team...small world...
So the weekend got off to a pretty good start, then I got a phone call from the legend Pat Healey who had an extra ticket for the Arsenal football match in the new Emirates stadium which is SIC...So headed into London around 1pm to meet up with Pat and his boys for the game...I roll up to the stadium to meet Pat and there is a sea of red jersey's (60,000+ to be exact)...the stadium is brand new and absolutely amazing...we walk in and come through the hall and into the stadium and I was blown away by the size of the place...take a look at the picture Arsenal went on to destroy Sheffield United 3 - 0 and I gotta say, people in Canada get into hockey games and go crazy but I have never seen people go as mental as I did at the football game...the British are BAT SHIT CRAZY about football, so much fun to be a part of...anyways the game was really cool then we headed off to a pub for a few drinks...well about 6 pints...but who's counting...well we all know Cunningham would be, "I've had 5 beers, 2 tequila shots, 3 jager bombs, 2 red bull vodkas, and 4 rye and sev's...I'm soooo shmammered"...oh how I miss making fun of you Matty...but yeah we had some drinks and bounced around some pubs/bars in London..even tried some strawberry beer (kinda weird)...then I booked back home on the train...
Sunday was pretty chill, slept in and watched some more football...Sunday night however was and Mark had tickets to the Jay Z concert (thanks Paul real shame you had to give those away haha)in Wembley arena...WOW best concert I have ever seen...the show kicked off at around 730pm with Kano as the first opening act (sick mc from London)...he was then followed with Lupe Fiasco KICK PUSH KICK PUSH KICK PUSH COOOOOOAST...followed by UK legend Tim Westwood spinning...then out came the Jigga man himself and I think the roof was nearly blown off, it was so crazy, 20000+ people going mental...and as if all that wasn't enough about half way through out blasts NAS and the stadium errupted!!! Him and Jay went on to spit a verse together in a one-off performance of 'Dead Presidents II'...EPIC is all I can say...then after Nas leaves, as if the show could get any better out comes Beyonce too "Bonnie and Clyde" and I gotta say she is hotter in person than on TV...Jay did a few more songs and guess what he came back to do for the Encore...If i have to tell you then you are dumb and don't deserve to know...j/k...well was Encore...anyways show was amazing and capped off one of the best weekends ever...I LOVE LONDON...HOLLA AT CHA BOY